Diet After Gastric Surgery (Sleeve and Bypass)

Day 1 Recommendations

No food or liquids should be consumed orally.

Day 2 to Day 5 Recommendations

Liquid foods, fruit juices should be natural (without pulp) and diluted with water. The transparency of the liquids at this stage should be such that you can see through the liquid to the other side of the glass. The recommended liquid intake during this period is two tablespoons every 15 minutes.

If prescribed by the doctor or treatment team, clear liquids without sugar such as water, low-fat broth, and fresh fruit juices like apple juice, carrot juice, and cucumber juice (clear and without sugar, half water and half juice) are allowed.

Broth Preparation: Cook low-fat meat with very little spice or turmeric. Then pass the broth through a very fine strainer and store it in the fridge for about 15 minutes to allow the fat to solidify. Remove the fat and discard it, then reheat the broth and drink it slowly.

Avoid consuming acidic and sour juices like grapefruit juice, pomegranate juice, sour cherry juice, barberry juice, and orange juice for one month after surgery.

Day 6 to Day 14 (Semi-Liquid Foods)

Low-fat milk, diluted yogurt, strained soup water, diet jelly.

Soup Preparation

Add a little barley, parsley, and carrot to low-fat broth, cook it, strain the soup, and dilute it with water.

If dairy products cause stomach pain, bloating, or diarrhea, soy milk, lactose-free milk, or almond milk (10 almonds + milk) can be used.

Week 3 to End of Week 4 (Pureed- Thick Liquid with Smooth, Paste-Like Consistency)
  • Sugar-free porridge, boiled egg whites, completely cooked and mashed chicken mixed with chicken broth, fully cooked lentils, mashed potatoes, cooked fruits or fruit juices, mashed boiled carrots, completely blended soup, pureed chicken or fish mixed with chicken broth.

    From this week, protein supplements should be used. Protein supplements act as medicine and are prescribed to prevent the breakdown of structural proteins and muscles.

Week 5 to End of Week 9 (Firm Purees and Foods That Can Be Easily Chewed)
  • Soft-cooked vegetables, soft fruits, prunes, sugar-free fruit compote, fully cooked and mashed beans, soft, low-fat lamb meat (pureed and mixed with broth), finely grated boiled eggs with two tablespoons of milk, steamed or grilled fish, finely chopped salad.

Diet Recommendations 2 Months After Surgery

Lean meat, chicken, fish (pureed), raw vegetables, grated fruits. This diet should continue for 8 weeks.

Diet Recommendations 3 Months After Surgery

With the consultation of the surgeon and nutrition specialist, you can begin eating regular foods. During this period, avoid drinking carbonated and caffeinated beverages. Avoid drinking ice-cold water and drinking through straws or sports bottles, as this can cause air bubbles and digestive problems.